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Region: Antioquia

Varietals: Castillo, Tabi

Elevation: 1750-2150 sq ft

Processed: Washed, Natural, Honey



70 years ago, my grandfather bought  his farms (Finca Palermo y La Ilusion ) in the municipality of Santa Barbara, Antioquia where I've planted the first varieties of Caturra, Castillo, and Colombia coffee trees, Currently, my grandfather's  farms have been divided among 3 family members who are also dedicated to growing specialty coffee.


The zone where it is cultivated has a very important characteristic that is the height and that being a cold zone it has a great influence of the Cañon del Cauca which has a warm climate. These coffee plantations are planted at heights of 1850 meters and higher where the day feels hot due to the influence of Cauca, but at night the temperature drops drastically making the plant stress and produce more continuous blooms that improve the production and unique tasting notes. It produces coffee of excellent quality and we add a post-harvest treatment in the profit process to result in a very pleasant coffee. In the area, there's also a presence of volcanic ash that makes the soil have certain elements that favor the formation and development of the plant.Therefore,  when the consumer tries a coffee these immediately feel the difference with traditional coffee.  The farm has 170,000 coffee trees approximately in Colombia with several small lots and  microlots of Colombia's delicious coffee varietals. Enjoy! 










Region: Huila

Varietals: Castillo

Elevation: 1750-2150 sq ft

Processed: Washed, Natural, Honey


I'm a 5th generation coffee farmer and this is my plantation in the lush mountains of Huila, Colombia.  I operate my business by a direct trade model because relationship coffee is the only true win-win farm-to-cup scenario. 


Buying our specialty coffee means rewarding a team of hard working farmers who are 100% dedicated to and passionate about producing exceptional tasting coffee for you and your customers!   It also means that we are able to provide our team, our community and the environment the care they deserve.

Partnering with us means you appreciate the awesome task of growing, harvesting and processing specialty coffee.  It also means that you can share a unique and beautiful story with your customers who will feel even better about buying your coffee.  








**NOTE** Email for all samples (200 grams roasted or 250 grams green).  Sign up here for the latest on pre-shipment samples, new arrivals, events and more.

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