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Region: Nebbi, Kampala

Varietals: Peaberry, Bourbon

Elevation: 1350-1750 sq ft

Processed: Washed, Natural, Honey, Exp

The company objective is to develop a fully transparent and robust coffee business in long-term equitable partnership with smallholder coffee farmers, by:

• maximising the value of smallholder coffee through high-quality primary processing
• returning as much of that value as possible to farmers
• building the reputation of Zombo as a new origin of excellent coffee

In 2018, they've worked with seven groups of farmers, in total around 1,000 members. Each farmer group built and operated a very small coffee washing station (microstation) using its own resources of land, skills, labour, materials and cash. External support was given for essential elements such as roof-sheets, coffee mesh, tarpaulins, motorized pulper, etc. The external support came mainly from Oxfam Uganda, supplemented by ZCP directly. The Oxfam project implementation was carried out by the Agency For Community Empowerment (AFCE), a local NGO.

The coffee variety is mainly SL14. The elevation across the sub-region ranges between 1,350 and 1,750m. There is only one harvest, which is quite short. In 2018 it started on 1st Sept and was over by 15th November, less than 11 weeks. There is virtually no fly-crop. Enjoy!






**NOTE** Email for all samples (100 grams roasted or 250 grams green).  Sign up here for the latest on pre-shipment samples, new arrivals, events and more.

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